Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Out of your comfortzone? – Working-out-Loud Assignment Part II

Remark at the beginning: The original post is in German and I did my best to make it understandable to non-Germans here 😊.

The actual assignment given by John Stepper to our Working-out-loud (WOL)- Mentorclass reminds me to arts.

You cannot please everybody.

One does experience a certain colour composition as “screaming and unbearable”, others feel revitalized or potential to improve. Some do upset the wrong perspective, others particularly like extraordinary special style of breaking the “viewing rules”. Everybody will identify Picasso on the basis of his special technique of painting faces in combination with his favorite colour composition.

Especially this aspect matters in our training. Everybody should discover his/her own style. Everybody is an individual person. Others already exists why trying to copy them 100%? Develop your own talents -which you might already had before your school time- and look for your potentials to enlarge your possibilities. In fact there are some tasks which have to be executed in a certain way. Regarding the way of the execution of the freestyle voluntary exercise there are unimagined possibilities.

Instagram Profile Picture #Imaginationriver

Therefore it is necessary to feel comfortable with your saved experiences in your past in your unconscious mind. While writing it popped up a thought that I might writing rather an essay than getting quickly to the point. At the same time, as learned in my past, I followed the strategy to think about “how to summarize a topic professionally” and “to sell and promote the theme best in my personal blog”. That´s the normal way of approaching also in my job as assistant. Nothing excessively long and briefly and concisely. It is the best even to quantifiy the theme with some numbers for my scientific colleagues as they like numbers and tables.

Just this thought makes it difficult for me how to start. What should I mention first? At that moment I sit in a train on a longer train trip in the Black Forest Region in Germany in order to film a carnival procession with witch, devils and other fantastic masks in colourful costumes and unforeseen interaction with the audience. Those, who are interested in that theme, see my Youtube channel sommeradler.

Carnival Procession Weisweil 2020

All people around me are writing very concentrated and eagerly. Either on paper or with their laptops. I realize that I landed in the quiet zone of the train. I look into the English WOL short instruction in front of me. Do I really want to copy all those things which can be easily found on the official WOL website? My gut feeling is discomfort. I feel that the reader wants to get know my own “adventure trip” into the world of consciously unkown spilled talents and new possibilities which we get to know during John´s training and not only about facts.

Let´s take travel blogs. You may download some information about sightseeing spots but the personal travel experiences and recommendations build a different trust. You feel more motivated to visit a certain place.

My thoughts evaporate in Nirvana. I crossed out the first two sentences several times and phrase again and again. No, that´s not the decisive factor. The first sentence has to thrill and has to make you curious, has to come straight from your stomach/heart. This thought crosses my mind. Sudden the following inspiration helped to push the start button:”Keep at your own experiences you made, there is no auditor who demands the source of your personal statement or assumption. Forget the scientific way of approaching a task.”

Even if I forgot a detail, the reader wouldn´t know about it. I experienced that already during some of my Youtube films. This anecdote I would like to share with you as well:

During the broadcasting of the World Cup Soccer Games in 2014 in the huge Commerzbankarena in Frankfurt (between 10.000 in the first games up to 50.000 spectators in the final game) I bet with my sons that only with filming the emotions of the audience during the game I will get more than 20.000 clicks. As Germany passed one lap after the other I continued this experiment.

During the game Brasil-Germany there is a young man who makes an amazing rap performance with turns on the floor between the people standing around in order to express his joy of the third goal. I record the scene and ask him if he agrees with a publishment in Youtube. In Germany there are strict personal data rights and therefore I care for being correct in this issue. The man smiles at me and is looking forward to the film in order to share his spontaneous rap of joy within the cheering crowd.

However, it came to nothing. As I rejoiced as well I pushed by error twice the record button so that I triggered the pause function. As the rap performance was for me the climax of this event I felt quite miserable when I realized my failure. I even had a bad conscious because I couldn´t keep the promise I made. I imagined how the rap performer will be disappointed.

For all those who are interested in this theme, you find the film series under my YouTube channel babbelwasser99 – by the way, I won the bet with my sons although my personal favorite performance wasn´t included 😊..

Challenge to film a cheering in the midst of a crowd World Cup 2014 Frankfurt 

During the years this failure happened from time to time again. A steady camera work isn´t compatible with an emotional joy “neuronal synapses party” in the head of the film camera owner. 

The precious perception I know about the missing scene, the viewer doesn´t know about it and won´t give a dislike because of “you didn´t show xyz”. Admittedly once a subscriber asked me in my last World Cup 2014 Final Game Video:”You missed the reaction of the first seconds of the final goal!”. I honestly admitted:”I was so excited and enthousiastic about this goal so at first I pushed the button twice and realized this error some seconds later. Nobody else of the over 700.000 viewers put this question.

Conclusion: Use the material and talent you dispose and share it.

And even if you are limited in words, pictures or talents often other wonderful ideas and possibilities will show up. How else could it be explained that drawings of children are enchanting. Not due to the fact that they look perfect, certainly not 😊.

I made the experience that even a small thought or comment represents for others THE solution of one of their questions. So let us dare to share them.

Discover your own style, perfection and beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is subjective especially creative work.

And now I am keen on reading the assignment results of the other 30 participants of the Masterclass. How they solved their task? The goal of at least 500 words I exceeded with Part I+II a little bit – as I anticipated – a thought flow results nearly in a novel 😊.

Personal note to John Stepper: Thanks for the great facilitation and gorgeous support to get rid of ancient filters which prevent us from daring new things.👻👌💥

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